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Frazzled editor

Worst practices in content creation

Summary: Here are 10 things for content creators to avoid: Poor Quality, Overly Promotional, Irrelevant or Off-Topic, Inconsistent, Inauthentic, Insensitive or Controversial, Poor User Experience, Lack of Engagement, Repetitive, and Ideologically biased content. Bo Sacks recently distributed an article by Dave Morgan called “It’s NOT About The Content.” His argument is that the point of…

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Italian painter

6 cool ways to use a 2×2 matrix

Summary: Quadrant analysis can help organize thoughts, products, business units, and tasks. This article discusses 6 2 by 2 matrices that are helpful for business. You probably know and have used the Risk vs. Reward matrix, which creates four quadrants defined by low risk vs. high risk and low reward vs. high reward. It’s a…

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gambler playing craps

The representativeness heuristic

Summary: We can fail at estimating probabilities when we allow inconsequential similarities to cloud our judgment. If you flip heads five times, are you “due” for tails? Our brains have learned to take short cuts, but these shortcuts don’t always work. When they don’t work, we call them cognitive biases. The representative heuristic is a…

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