think like the devil

Boost creativity by thinking like the devil

Summary: The article introduces the creative thinking cards from It focuses on two cards, “Imagine you’re the devil” and “No Limits,” which encourage thinking outside ethical and practical constraints for creative brainstorming. The author emphasizes that this approach can help uncover innovative ideas and prepare for competitive challenges. Did you know that “devil’s advocate”…

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AI-generated angry man smashing a voting booth

You need a “no man” — The power of “no” in project management

Summary: “Yes” represents the allure of possibility and affirmation, while “no” signifies discipline, focus, and resource control. “Yes” is alluring, but can lead to illusions. “No” is a tool for maintaining focus, setting boundaries, and adhering to principles. “Yes, and” is a good tool for creativity, and “no, but” is suggested as a way to…

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Master the art of brainstorming with these tips

Brainstorming doesn’t work that well unless you follow the right procedures. The typical “brainstorming” session involves announcing a topic and inviting people to propose their ideas in an allegedly non-judgmental environment. A bunch of people get together in a conference room and say whatever they think. There are several problems with this model. People don’t…

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