The Krehbiel Letter

The Krehbiel Letter

The Krehbiel Letter is a 4-page print newsletter sent in the mail, although you can also download the latest PDF version here, or you can view the browser-friendly version here.

The Krehbiel Letter helps publishers solve technology problems, explains the significance of industry trends, and provides practical tips on how to grow your business. This easy-to-skim, four-page, monthly letter focuses on the intersection of publishing, technology, and customer data, with an emphasis on operations and getting things done.

“Great stuff,” says Knight Kiplinger about The Krehbiel Letter. “Wise, clearly written and economical of expression and space. Well done!” (Knight is Editor Emeritus, The Kiplinger Letter, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine and

And it’s free!

You can get it five different ways.

1. Email. Use the sign-up form for The Krehbiel Report. (It’s near the top right on desktop. Scroll down on mobile.)

2. LinkedIn. Subscribe to The Krehbiel Letter on LinkedIn.

3. Print. Yes, that’s right. Paper and all that. In the mail. If you would like to receive the print version, please send me an email with your name, title, company, and postal address.

4. Get it right here. PDF and html versions of current and past issues will be posted on this page.

5. On the webpage. All the articles in the letter (plus a few more) are included on, where you can add your thoughts.

Current and Past Issues of The Krehbiel Letter