From video to article using AI — a new technique for content generation?

woman with video camera

A lot of publishers who have podcasts or webinars are not effectively re-using that content in other mediums. Is it possible to use artificial intelligence to make this easier? I gave it a try.

As I mention here, I used Descript to create a video version of the latest Krehbiel Letter. Descript automatically generates a transcript of the audio. It’s not perfect, but it’s decent.

I took that transcript and asked ChatGPT to summarize it. Here’s what I got.

The speaker discusses the December 2022 edition of Thele Letter and covers two main topics: the potential drawbacks of custom solutions and the potential demise of programmatic advertising. The speaker advises caution when considering custom solutions, as they can be time-consuming and costly to maintain, and may not always integrate well with other systems. They also recommend being wary of programmatic advertising and considering alternative sources of revenue in case it disappears. The speaker suggests reading the book “Ad Scam” by Bob Hoffman for more information on the topic and advises considering the potential risks and benefits of both custom solutions and programmatic advertising.

It’s not great, but it’s not a bad place to start. Also, that one summary above was from the entire transcript. I could have pasted in pieces, on specific topics, and received several different summaries.

This could be an option for publishers to create content from their podcasts, webinars, etc.

FYI — “Thele Letter” was an error in the transcript, not from ChatGPT.

One thought on “From video to article using AI — a new technique for content generation?

  1. Great article. There are so many different transcription services it gets hard to decide which one to use. Like you I found Descript to be the easiest to use along with several other added features. You can easily take an hour long interview and create a month worth of content.

    If you are short on time and I believe we all are, check out Descript.

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