Greg Krehbiel

gambler playing craps

The representativeness heuristic

Summary: We can fail at estimating probabilities when we allow inconsequential similarities to cloud our judgment. If you flip heads five times, are you “due” for tails? Our brains have learned to take short cuts, but these shortcuts don’t always work. When they don’t work, we call them cognitive biases. The representative heuristic is a…

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car salesman

Anchoring bias and how to avoid it

Summary: Anchoring bias is a cognitive bias that makes us latch on to the first bit of data we hear. This post discusses eight ways to combat this bias. Daniel Kahneman might be best known for his book “Thinking Fast and Slow,” which I haven’t read, but I’ve read and heard a lot about Kahneman’s…

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Holmes and watson podcast

9 ways to create a unique editorial style for your articles or podcasts

Summary: To make your content stand out in a crowded field, consider these nine concepts: voice, focus, frameworks, recurring segments, vocabulary, message, favorites, characters, and skits. Publishers spend a lot of time and money developing their own brand image, which can include typography, colors, logos, and stylized art. Think of the dot-matrix images in The…

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pretty teacher with a book

Book summaries, the revolt of the left hemisphere, and artificial intelligence

Summary: AI summaries of books and articles present a copyright threat to publishers, but a wider movement towards summaries and bullet points might have more significance for culture and for understanding. Bo Sacks recently distributed an article titled, “A tech sector dedicated to boiling things down has raised temperatures in some quarters of the publishing…

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flyby visitors

“Flyby visitors don’t create robust databases”

Summary: To create a solid content-based business, don’t focus on the “flyby” traffic. Use high-quality, relevant content to attract an engaged audience, then create a robust database around that audience. At MACMA Industry Day last week, Amanda Landsaw said “flyby visitors don’t create robust databases.” There’s a lot to unpack in that statement. Let’s start…

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