Greg Krehbiel

two jaguars

Can you A/B test a logo?

Summary: Split tests work when you’re optimizing for a single goal. They aren’t appropriate for issues that are more complicated and nuanced. I’m a big believer in A/B testing. You can significantly improve marketing results by using the right headline, the right color, the right image, the right guarantee language, and so on. I’ve done…

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How to overcome imposter syndrome

Summary: How can you tell whether you have “imposter syndrome” or whether you actually are inflating your abilities and accomplishments? The answer is to get objective and external validation. I frequently hear concern about “imposter syndrome.” My general reaction is that “imposter syndrome” is actually your conscience telling you that you’re not “all that.” Although…

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Woman working with robot

Things to consider in your AI policy

Summary: Publishers need a clear AI policy to ensure responsible, transparent use of AI in content creation, protect editorial integrity, and address challenges posed by AI’s disruptive potential. Such policies guide ethical usage, safeguard credibility, and maintain audience trust. Some publishers see generative AI as a fundamental challenge to their business. Generative AI is certainly…

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Gorilla playing basketball

How “relevance realization” distinguishes human intelligence from artificial intelligence

(I just noticed that the lady on the right has three legs! Thanks, Midjourney!) Summary: Computers don’t understand relevance, and it’s unlikely they will any time soon. “Relevance realization” is what sets humans apart from AI, and “general artificial intelligence” won’t happen until someone solves this. Remember that fun video where the kids are throwing…

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coin-operated newspaper box

Before you erect that paywall

Summary: There are many ways to restrict access to content, and there are a lot of issues to consider when developing such a strategy. Here’s a start. When advertising revenue declines, as it has been, publishers start to think about paywalls, as they have been. I was talking with a client about this the other…

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