From webinar to article using AI tools

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PodcasterYou’ve created a great webinar on a topic that your market loves, and now you’re wondering, “what else can I do with this?” You’d like to create an article for your website or e-newsletter, but that uses up editorial time. You could hire a freelancer, but that will take time, and it might not be worth the cost.

Try this. Use AI to convert audio content to text.

There are several tools that will create a transcript of your webinar. They’re not perfect, by any means, but they’re good enough for what we’re going to do with them. Consider using Descript or

Once you have your AI-generated transcript, consider cleaning it up, adding additional information, and organizing it into sections, with subheadings, as appropriate.
At this point, you could add some video or images from the webinar and publish the transcript. But if you want a shorter, summarized version, use AI a second time.

Drop your transcript into ChatGPT,, or, to create a summary. If the summary of the entire transcript is too short, enter the transcript in smaller pieces and get summaries of each section.

Now you have the basics of an article. It won’t be perfect, and it will still require some human work. But it’s a lot better than asking an editor to listen to the whole webinar and write a story about it.

AI isn’t ready to do the whole job, but you can use AI to increase editorial efficiency.

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