digital woman

What does “digital transformation” mean to you?

Summary: The article discusses “digital transformation” and its relevance to media and publishing. The author disagrees with the idea that growth is solely about a single funnel and suggests using branching funnels with different goals. The article being reviewed introduces the “5 R’s of digital transformation” – Relevance, Reputation, Reach, Revenue, and Resilience — and…

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Blonde at newsstand

Is there a “perfect” subscription model?

Summary: The article discusses the concept of a “perfect” subscription model in publishing and marketing. It emphasizes the need for continual improvement rather than striving for perfection. Factors like audience segmentation (homogeneous vs. unique individuals), value, distribution channels, and competition are explored. Additionally, it touches on pricing strategy, marketing, subscriber engagement, customer support, technology infrastructure,…

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Hawaiian woman reading book on beach

Lessons about publishing from Hawaii

The following is an excerpt from the “Hawaii edition” of “The Krehbiel Letter.” Maps. When Europeans first met Polynesians, they were astonished to find them scattered across an enormous ocean, and befuddled about how they were able to traverse such distances. It’s still not entirely clear how they did it. The attempts by Europeans to…

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Crystal ball

The future of publishing

Summary: To understand the future of publishing, follow a reader-centric approach, envisioning AI agents helping individuals organize their content and recommending content and connections. Publishers may find themselves interacting with AI agents rather than readers. This will change marketing and pricing dynamics. “Audience” and “community” will be mediated by the AI agents, not the brand….

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Mark Zuckerberg according to Midjourney

Get out from under the thumb of platforms

Summary: The article discusses concerns about censorship on social media platforms like Twitter, with recent reports suggesting Elon Musk’s company may be limiting users who share New York Times articles. It highlights the problem of tech giants controlling access to information and urges content creators to reduce dependence on these platforms, recommending strategies like building…

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Afraid of AI

Can publishers effectively fight Skynet?

Summary: This article discusses the ongoing battle between publishers and AI, caricatured as “Skynet.” The author suggests four strategies for publishers to combat AI: altering the robots.txt file, enforcing server-side measures, updating terms and conditions for potential lawsuits, and developing their own large language models. However, the article acknowledges the challenges, such as AI’s ability…

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cash register

I’d like to believe in micropayments, but I’m starting to sour on the idea

Summary: This article explores the challenges surrounding micropayments as a revenue model for news media. The author considers various reasons for skepticism, including a lack of a universal standard, perceived complexity, and the convenience of ad-supported or subscription-based models. The article also discusses the emotional debate around micropayments and questions their impact on traditional journalism….

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Woman looking at phone

8 tips to get more digital subs

Summary: The article discusses the shift from ad-funded models to subscription-based revenue in media, playing off 8 keys points from Carolyn Morgan. Audience segmentation is crucial for effective online marketing and content personalization. Focus on content valued by potential subscribers rather than casual visitors. Determine which content goes behind a paywall based on uniqueness and…

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A copyright issue to keep an eye on

Summary: Software companies are embracing subscription models for recurring revenue, similar to how Microsoft Office shifted from one-time purchases to subscriptions. Now, a debate arises regarding the ownership of eBooks. Libraries typically follow a “one copy, one user” model for eBooks, but the Internet Archive has not followed that model. Corporate publishers want to treat…

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the worldwide web

Publishers should consider text-to-speech to open up new ways to reach their subscribers

Summary: Norwegian company Schibsted embraced text-to-speech technology to enhance audience engagement. Focused on riding the podcast popularity wave, they leverage “Beyond Words” to convert text into audio instantly, catering to changing article versions and potentially cloning the voices of popular podcast stars. Serving the audio from their own site allows them better data insights and…

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Afraid of AI

4 things publishers should do right now to defend themselves against AI

Summary: The article discusses the evolving role of large language models (LLMs) in answering questions and the potential threat they pose to content creators. It advises four steps for content creators to protect their intellectual property from being used to train LLMs by modifying robots.txt files, blocking server access, updating terms and conditions, and training…

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