Magazine production

Changing fulfillment vendors? Consider radical simplification

Summary: Changing fulfillment providers can be a nightmare, but it’s also an opportunity to simplify outdated processes. This article explores the complexity of publishing fulfillment and makes a case for radical simplification. Yesterday, I spoke with some publisher friends about the possibility of changing fulfillment companies. I’ve done that a few times. I’ve also had…

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Child reading radioactive book

Yes, we should ban books

Summary: Our free speech culture should be skeptical of any form of censorship, but there are times when it’s appropriate to restrict children’s access to certain books. While it’s good to have an instinctive reaction against censorship, some books should be banned for some people in some circumstances. The phrase “book banning” conjures up images…

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Tired man with candy bar

Don’t make your customer think!

Summary: Reduce the cognitive load on your customers by personalizing content and interfaces to their needs. There’s an old book on website design titled Don’t Make Me Think, A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. It’s a good book, and if you’re involved in design, you should read it. But that basic concept applies to…

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Publisher's self-audit

A publisher’s self-audit toolkit

From time to time a publisher will ask me how they can improve their business. I’m first and foremost an operations / tech guy, but I also have ideas about growth and business development. To help a publisher figure out where they can grow, it’s first necessary to find out what they’re doing — good…

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Woman blogger

Publisher fears over amateur content are coming to fruition

Summary: Following the lead of Troy Young in his latest email, the author discusses the evolution of the internet from a “seek” model to a “be served” model, characterized by AI-driven and personality-driven content delivery. It highlights the challenges content creators face in getting compensated, especially in the AI-driven model. The piece also reflects on…

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a niche

The great niche debate

Is it neesh or nitch? I take the majority view, but … which majority? I’ve been involved in niche media for almost my entire career. When I started out – back in the days when having a hard drive in your computer was a luxury reserved for the few – everybody said “nitch.” Then apparently…

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Publisher in chains

Publishers need to be decolonized

Summary: The strategic imperative for publishers right now is not to get money out of Google, but to change the terms of the deal. They say that one sign of colonization is that the people colonized start to believe and repeat the rhetoric of their colonizers. Sometimes that seems to apply to publishers and Big…

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The media puzzle

Redefining Customer Value in the Age of Media Fracturing: Insights from Robbie Kellman Baxter and Me

The image for this post — and the strange words — was created by Dall-E Summary: The article discusses Robbie Kellman Baxter’s “Customer Retention Metrics Kit,” focusing on the challenge of retaining customers in a fragmented media landscape. It explores the evolving definitions of ‘customer’ and ‘subscriber’ in the context of diverse media platforms, stressing…

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Man buying newspaper in NYC

Publishers desperately need a strategic summit to hammer out how the industry will survive

Summary: The article discusses the challenges facing the publishing industry, emphasizing the need for long-term, strategic thinking. It references Dominic Young’s ideas on revitalizing publishing through casual sales, akin to buying a newspaper without the hassle of subscriptions or giving personal information. The concept is compared to micro-payments, which haven’t been widely successful due to…

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pretty woman with an ipad

Are you mad to publish a magazine in the digital era?

Summary: The article questions the viability of creating print magazines in the digital age, highlighting the challenges of costs, environmental concerns, and declining readership. While acknowledging the preference for print among some audiences, the author suggests that successful magazines use print as a brand face, monetizing through other means like product sales and events. The…

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