red-haired girl with cookies

4 ways publishers can use propensity models

Watch here Summary: The article discusses how publishers use AI-driven propensity models to predict customer behaviors, like subscription renewal, based on data like site engagement and demographics. These models vary across businesses and are used for identifying potential customer churn, optimizing lead sales, segmenting customers based on their acquisition source, and encouraging behaviors linked to…

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The downside of personalization

Summary: The article discusses the complexities of online personalization. It emphasizes the need for consent and transparency in using personal data like browsing history for customization. The author advises considering whether personalization is more beneficial to the business or the customer, warning against intrusiveness and the creation of echo chambers. The article also distinguishes between…

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Promote engagement, not addiction

Summary: The article reflects on the ethics of customer engagement, contrasting legitimate service with addictive tactics. The author compares the straightforward transaction of buying coffee with the manipulative practices in social media and some online content, where engagement aims to addict users for ad revenue and data collection. This is likened to drug dealer behavior…

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