Vilfredo Pareto tells us that 20 percent of causes account for 80 percent of effects. It’s eerie how often that ratio applies, but rather than worrying about the metaphysics of it, publishers should consider how to modify their strategies based on how this might play out in their businesses, like …
- 80% of revenue may come from 20% of content. Identify and focus on this high-performing content.
- 80% of website traffic may come from 20% of pages. Optimize those pages – both for SEO, and for stickiness.
- 80% of top-performing pages may come from 20% of your authors. Incentivize those authors to create more content.
- 80% of customer complaints may come from 20% of products or services. Identify and address these issues to improve customer satisfaction and retention.
- 80% of sales may come from 20% of your distribution channels. Focus on those channels.
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