Hiring managers say these 8 common phrases. Are they red flags for dysfunction?

Man in job interview
Summary: This article examines common phrases used by hiring managers and questions whether they indicate underlying dysfunction in the workplace.

The hiring manager has one thing in mind when using these phrases, but you might want to dig deeper and make sure they’re not a sign of some disfunction.

“We want a rock star.”

Are you going to pay them like a rock star?

“We’re looking for someone who can wear many hats.”

So you’ll be paying one person to fill multiple positions?

“We’re like a family here.”

Does this mean you’re expecting unpaid overtime or emotional labor without boundaries?

“We need someone who’s a self-starter.”

Will there be clear guidance and resources, or are you leaving them to figure everything out on their own?

“We want someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment.”

Is this code for an unmanageable workload and constant chaos?

“We need you to be 110% committed.”

Are you compensating them for the extra 10% of effort, or is work-life balance a non-priority?

“We want someone who can ‘own’ this project.”

Are you giving them authority along with the responsibility, or is this just a way to avoid accountability from leadership?

“You need to hit the ground running.”

No on-boarding? No training?

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