The smartest thing I’ve seen on that subject came from a meme on LinkedIn that said “AI won’t take your job. A human using AI will take your job.”
I agree with that — at least in the short term. AI will improve productivity, and smart workers will learn how to use it.
To help you get started, here are a few options to consider.
For text solutions, like writing computer code, writing an email series, answering a question about IRAs, etc.
For image solutions, like creating an image for your article, a cover for your book, etc.
For audio to text, like making a transcript of a webinar.
If you have ideas about other tools, please add them in the comments.
Also, note that you have to be careful with AI. E.g., I’m not sure if the woman in that picture has the right number of fingers.
I am crazy excited about the proper use of AI in writing. I think this tool will make marketers much faster and much more cogent. The tightness of the writing that comes from Chatopenai is great and very bullet-oriented.
As for content creation, it’s a great jumping off point for CEOs and other two executives who are too busy to jump start the creative juices. From the initial output from Chatopenai, a professional can think with greater focus on their own business and how the universe is already thinking about a topic they may wish to expound upon.
Best point made: AI isn’t coming to take your job. A PERSON using AI is coming to take your job. That’s why it’s so exciting and I think why we all need to know how to operationalize that for the businesses we support or the businesses we run.