I was very pleased to be able to participate in Subscription Show 2021 in New York City earlier this week. I ran one of the rooms for break-out sessions, and participated in the experts panel / wrap up at the end. (That’s me on the right.)
It was a good show, and my first in-person event like this since the pandemic began.
I’m a big fan of forms, checklists, and structures / procedures that help to focus in on solutions. E.g., things like the RACI model.
Along those lines, Dr. Mark Stiving had an interesting suggestion for how to figure out your pricing. (Revenue innovation can be key to subscription success!)
First, you think of all the possible ways you could charge for your content. By the pageview. By the word. By the minute. By the GB. By the download, etc. Be creative. Think of every possibility you can.
Then think of all the ways your content brings value to your subscribers.
Now take those two lists and see how they intersect.
As a somewhat strange example, imagine a cafe owner who found that the real value his customers get is in being able to sit quietly at a table for an hour. How much coffee they drink is not that relevant, and it doesn’t cost him that much to provide it. So he charges for tables by the hour, and the coffee is free.
There were lots of interesting takeaways from the show. Subscription Insider has posted highlights from each day: